Month: March 2013
Citizen Groups Challenge WVDEP’s Flawed Attempt to Weaken Water Quality
March 27, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Cindy Rank, WV Highlands Conservancy, 304-924-5802 Angie Rosser, WV Rivers Coalition, 304-637-7201 Charleston, WV (March 27, 2013) – At today’s public hearing, WVDEP will hear arguments from citizens on the lack of scientific justification and consideration of the public interest in its attempt to pass an emergency rule […]
Wood County Voter March 2013
The LWV of Wood County’s annual Meeting will be held Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Parkersburg Country Club. Jill Parsons, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of the Mid-Ohio Valley, will be the guest speaker. For details see the March Wood County Voter. March 2013 Voter web.docx
Huntington March Annual Meeting
The March annual meeting will include a light supper and discussion of legislative action. bulletin.3.13.doc