LLAW — What Is It?

Success depends on advocacy that starts earlier and is more focused and strategic.

Traditionally, LWVWV has been active in every legislative session.

  • Before the session, we set priorities.
  • During the session, we monitored bills for action.

But that traditional approach proved  to be ineffective.

LLAW Is Born

In 2022, LWVWV decided to do take a different approach..

  • Prioritize policies that are consistent with our values and advocate to realize them.
  • Organize so that advocacy is more persistent, a year-round and coordinated effort.
  • Energize LWVWV membership to be more effective advocates.

The League Legislative Action Workgroup (LLAW, pronounced L-law) became the vehicle.  Its first cadre of dedicated volunteers — League members from across the state — began meeting, plotting, working together in August 2022.

From the beginning, LLAW’s priorities have been:

What Does LLAW Do?

VOTER EDUCATIONLegislative Scorecard

Goal:  for LWVWV policy priorities, compile the votes of WV legislators on bills that become law in each legislative regular session.

Timing:  Legislative Scorecard will be completed after each WV Legislative session.

Outreach:  Scorecard will be available in searchable format on LWVWV website.

Outcome:  Inform voters and hold legislators, regardless of party, accountable for their votes on League priorities.

Preparation of Legislative scorecard:

  • During the legislative session, LLAW:
    • reviews and monitors all bills introduced,
    • finds all bills related to LWVWV policy priorities, and
    • identifies when/if they warrant action.
  • After the legislative session, LLAW:
    • reviews all bills related to LWVWV policy priorities that became law,
    • compiles voting records,
    • collects background materials on each law, and
    • publishes the searchable Scorecard on website.  

VOTER ADVOCACY:  Make Some Noise

GOAL:  to energize LWVWV members to contact their legislators regarding LWVWV positions on priority bills.

Timing:  the 60-day regular legislative session.

Outreach:  Via email, LWVWV Members will receive Make Some Noise calls to action.  Companion posts are made on LWVWV Facebook page.

Outcome:  Legislators will hear from LWVWV Members as they consider bills during the legislative session.

What bills warrant MAKE SOME NOISE calls to action?

  • LLAW identifies priority bills that relate to LWVWV priorities.
  • LWVWV president, with LLAW chair, decides which priority bills to SUPPORT/OPPOSE.
  • MAKE SOME NOISE emails are sent to members, along with rationale for LWVWV action recommendations.