Month: July 2014
WV Regional Policy Workshop & Community Training
This Tuesday the 22nd, Our Children, Our Future is holding trainings and workshops in Clarksburg. You can learn more at this link, and register at this link . Additionally, there will be more workshops/trainings to choose from in Hurricane, WV on July 24, and Martinsburg, WV on July 29. Workshops for the 22nd include: ◦ […]
July 15 Public Forum – EPA’s New Carbon Limits and What They Mean for West Virginia
West Virginia at the Crossroads: EPA’s New Carbon Limits and What They Mean for West Virginia Free public education forum on Tuesday, July 15 at 7:00pm Room G-102, WVU Engineering Science Building (East) Sponsored by the Monongahela Group of the WV Sierra Club, WVU Sierra Student Coalition, and League of Women Voters of Morgantown-Monongalia The […]
Morgantown-Monongalia Voters Can Make Independence Day 2014 Count!
This Independence Day, honor our nation and democracy by making sure your voter registration is up-to-date in time to participate in this year’s important elections. The League of Women Voters will have a voter registration table at Morgantown’s 2014 Celebration of America on the evening of the fireworks in front of the depot right by […]