Morgantown-Mon Candidate Forums October 9 and 15, 7-9pm
The following candidates have been invited to the October 9th forum:
State Senate:
- District 2 Jeffrey-Frank Jarrell (C) Larry Edgell (D) Kent Leonhardt (R)
- District 13 Harry V. Betram (AFP) Bob Beach (D) Kris Warner (R)
- District 14 Stan Shaver (D) Dave Sypolt (R)
County Commission:
- Bill Bartolo (D) Ed Hawkins (R)
The following candidates have been invited to the October 15th forum:
House of Delegates
District 51:
- Democrats: Tony Barill, Barbara Fleischauer, Nancy Jamison, Charlene Marshall, John Williams
- Republicans: Bill Flanigan, Cindy Frich, Brian Kurcaba, Amanda Pasdon, Joe Statler
- Libertarian: Ed Olesh
District 49:
- Mike Manypenny (D) Amy Summer (R)
The public is invited to both forums, which will be from 7 to 9 pm at the Suncrest United Methodist Church on Van Voorhis Road. Each candidate will have the opportunity to present her/his position on campaign issues, and to answer questions submitted by the audience. Refreshments will be served after the forum, continuing the public meeting with the candidates informally.
FOR INFORMATION: Catherine Lozier 345 Virginia Avenue, Morgantown, 26505 304-599-8233 email:
A Note on Candidate Debates
The League of Women Voters strictly refuses to participate in, endorse, or be involved in any way with candidate debates or any Voter Service activity that excludes third party candidates or creates any other impression of partisanship. The WV League therefore has refused to cosponsor debates and presentations in this election year, which exclude third party candidates. For every election the State Board does produce an on-line Voters Guide for all candidates. The League of Women Voters of West Virginia’s candidate questionnaire responses for the November 4 General Election for congressional and statewide offices will soon be posted on this website.
National Voters Registration Day – September 23, 2014

The League participated in National Voters Registration Day at the Westover Farmers’ Market. Five people updated their voter registration information! Shirley Rosenbaum, Evelyn Ryan, Cindy O’Brien, Vicki Conner, and Jonathan Rosenbaum helped out at the table.
Membership Renewal
Please keep your LWV membership up to date. For membership renewal or a new membership, deadline for annual dues is the end of December. $44 individual membership; $66 for household membership. Checks should be made to LWV Morgantown-Mon County and mailed to:
Joseph Marshall
194 McCormick Road
Morgantown, WV 26508
Save Paper and Printing Costs!
We always send the electronic version of this newsletter to our email list as well as post it online. If you wish to opt-out from
receiving the paper version please contact Lyndell Millecchia with your request. Thank-you!
The LWVUS League Update is a free online newsletter emailed each Thursday to members who sign up to receive it. The League Update is filled with interesting and helpful information. You may subscribe at by completing the “Get Involved” box.
State Library Financing Consensus Meeting – September 17, 2014

We have been participating this year in the State Study on Public Funding of Libraries in West Virginia. The four local Leagues and MAL (Members at Large) have been studying the issue of library funding so that the WV League can come to a consensus position and lobby the Legislature as it develops legislation on library funding. Twenty people, four of them guests, attended our Consensus Meeting. Participants discussed unbiased factual research of the Local Library Financing Study committee presented by Clay Pytlik, Dawn Jackson, and Nancy Bird. Special guests Sharon Turner (Director of Morgantown Public Library) and Penny Pugh (WVU Libraries) acted as special resources to answer participant’s questions. Kitty Lozier acted as facilitator and Catherine Prody as recorder. Other participants included Shirley Rosenbaum, Fran Nelson, Lyndell Millecchia, and Jonathan Rosenbaum. Our three presenters, responsible for researching, deserve special recognition: first, Clay who brought years of experience and wisdom to the process, and Dawn and Nancy who are both new members.
After the meeting, the results recorded on the flip chart were sent for review and accuracy to the Local Library Financing Study committee. Then they were sent for approval to the Local Board. Currently, our results are with state study chairman Carolyn Watson. Her committee will develop a consensus position based on input from the four Local Leagues and MAL (Members at Large) who participated in the process. Assuming the committee can construct a consensus position, it will be sent to the state board on November 8 for approval. If the board approves, the League will be ready to take action on the question of library funding in West Virginia.