OPPOSE HB 2400, which restricts access to absentee ballot applications.
HB 2400 has passed the Legal Services Subcommittee with minor amendments and is headed to the full House Judiciary Committee.
To submit written testimony according to new House rules, send your testimony to: judiciary@wvhouse.gov
Read the testimony submitted by LWVWV here:
This bill makes it illegal for any person or organization to distribute absentee ballot applications — blank applications, NOT ballots. Applications will be available only to voters who request them directly. This makes no sense. Absentee applications are public documents available to anyone from the Secretary of State’s website.
Absentee voting is essential for West Virginians with disabilities, those who lack transportation, the elderly, and residents of rural areas. This bill targets vulnerable West Virginians least likely to have computers and direct Internet access. And it conflicts with Federal regulations designed to help nursing home residents vote. That means voter suppression.
Contact members of the Judiciary Committee ASAP. Tell them to OPPOSE HB 2400.
Here’s the list: