Annual Meeting: Evening Dessert and Special Speaker
Our Annual Meeting this year will begin with an evening dessert and special speaker, followed by the business meeting. We have reserved the lodge at Dorsey’s Knob for the event, which will begin May 15 at 6:30 p.m. Guests are welcome!
Jim Hunt
Our special speaker will be James C. Hunt, who was one of the speakers at our recent Local Government workshop/forum in March. His topic, “From Great to Amazing” will cover how cities deal with growth, revitalization and challenges. (It is also the title of his new book which will be coming out at the end of the year.) We hope all of you will invite friends to what should be a very stimulating talk. We will ask attendees for a suggested contribution of $5 to help pay for expenses. If you have a special dessert you would like to bring (such as rhubarb pie, strawberry shortcake, fresh fruit or meringues), please call Shirley Rosenbaum at 599-2370.
The dessert and presentation will be followed by our annual business meeting with election of board members, adoption of the budget, and consideration of program items for 2013-2014. The budget and proposed program are in this newsletter.
Local League Successes
We had a very stimulating Local Government Committee meeting at the Aull Center in March, with about 40 people attending. Almost 100 people came to our City Council Candidate Forum in April. We appreciate everyone who contributed time and effort in organizing these events, as well as those who brought the delicious refreshments.
We have received a letter from the President of the LWV-US, congratulating our league for increasing its membership by 40% in 2012. We grew from 40 to 56 members! Many thanks to our Membership Chair, Shirley Rosenbaum, and all those who helped!
Complete Streets Bill Approved
League Transportation Committee Chair, Jonathan Rosenbaum, is delighted to announce that the Complete Streets Act (SB158) was approved by the Governor on April 19! We thank Senator Bob Beach of Monongalia County for being the lead sponsor of the bill.
Annual Meeting Schedule
6:00-6:30 Set up desserts; gathering, pay dues
6:30-7:00 Enjoy sampling desserts
7:00-8:00 Jim Hunt talk and Q&A period
8:00-9:00 Business meeting
Business Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Adoption of Budget
Nominating Committee Report
Election of Officers and Board Members
Discussion and adoption of Program for 2013-14 (below)
LWV Morgantown-Monongalia County
Proposed 2013-2014 Local Program
1. Local Government:
Study of County Government, including:
a. Laws concerning the number of County Commissioners, their responsibilities and authority.
b. Taxation, revenues and budget disbursements.
2. Planning: Action to promote orderly development in Monongalia County and monitor the work of the Monongalia County Planning Commission.
3. Transportation:
a. Monitor and take action where needed with regard to improving traffic conditions, including pedestrian and cyclist safety.
b. Monitor the implementation of the Complete Streets legislation so that the design of our transportation system can be inclusive of all forms of transportation.
4. Voters Service: Continue to advocate for open access to registration and voting.
5. Natural Resources:
a. Study water quality in the Monongahela River including Morgantown Utility Board and Department of Natural Resources testing and their relation to Marcellus Shale gas extraction processes and coal mining.
b. Study current state regulation of Marcellus Shale gas extraction. Work with legislators to amend the Marcellus legislation with regard to those issues that still need regulation.
c. Study current municipal and county ordinances related to extractive industries. Work with local officials to ensure that the strongest ordinances possible are promulgated to protect the health and safety of citizens.
6. Social Justice: Explore “Jobs with Justice” principles.
Consensus Positions
Local Government
The LWVMMC favors the adoption and implementation of comprehensive plans for Morgantown and Monongalia County: meaning a comprehensive plan or any of its parts such as a comprehensive plan of land use, or thoroughfares; of water and sanitation; or recreation and other related matters; and including such ordinances as may be deemed necessary to implement such complete comprehensive plans or parts thereof, with provision for such regulations as deemed necessary. (September, 1969; reworded November 1973)
Land Use (Natural Resources):
Support the implementation of planning in Morgantown and Monongalia County.
Also in this edition, proposed budget, special request from the Dominion Post, our newest members and how to become a League Member.