Author: Kathy Stoltz

  • Wood County Voter January 2013

    January 2013 Voter.docx

  • Voters Guide 2012 General Election

    League of Women Voters of West Virginia Voters’ Guide 2012 General Election This candidate information is brought to you by the League of Women Voters of West Virginia as a public service. Candidate responses are printed exactly as received, including spelling, grammar and content. Candidates’ responses were limited to 50 words. All candidates for US […]

  • Wood County Voter September 2012

    Drop Out Prevention The LWV of Wood County’s September 24 meeting will concern the Jobs for West Virginia’s Graduates, a high-school dropout prevention program already serving at-risk students in Greenbrier County. Advocates hope to bring it to Wood County. September 24, 7 pm at the Vienna Public Library located one block west of Grand Central […]