Author: Kathy Stoltz

  • Wood County Voter November – December 2017

    Information about WV’s Voter ID law that goes into effect for 2018 elections and upcoming events: Movie “Where to Invade Next” from filmmaker Michael Moore on Saturday, November 18 at the South Parkersburg Library and a Holiday get-together on December 9. Details in the Voter. November – December 2017 Voter pdf.pdf

  • LWV Wood County September Voter

    LWVWC will meet with Wood County Clerk Mark Rhodes to discuss voter registration and other election issues. Monday, September 25, 2017 at 7 p.m. in the conference room on the second floor of the Parkersburg City Building. The meeting is open to the public. Mr. Rhodes will also update registrations or register voters if needed. […]

  • Wood County Voter May 2017

    Why is West Virginia so Poor? Sean O’Leary, a senior policy analyst with the WV Center on Budget & Policy The presentation will cover the economic history of West Virginia, its current economic status, why a state so rich in resources remains among the poorest in the nation, and what can bring greater prosperity to […]