Author: Teresa Koon

  • LWV of WV VOTER Newsletter Spring 2024

    Hello! Attached is the spring League of Women Voters of West Virginia VOTER where you can learn about our activities during the 2024 Legislative Session and other LWVWV updates. A hard copy will also be sent to those on the distribution list.In League, Teresa Koon VOTER Editor VoterSpring2024.pdf

  • Fall VOTER 2023

    Learn about LWV WV Legislative Scorecard and Make Some Noise on the importance of the Child Care Stabilization Act and other League priorities. VoterFall2023.pdf

  • VOTER newsletter Spring 2023

    Learn about LWV WV Convention, League activity during the 2023 legislative session, and the League Legislative Action Workgroup (LLAW) in this issue of the VOTER. VoterSpring2023.pdf