Author: Teresa Koon

  • Fall Voter 2022

    Good morning – Attached please find the League of Women Voters of West Virginia Fall newsletter. Read about LWV WV positions on constitutional amendments on the November ballot, our new Legislative Action Workgroup, WV opportunities for clean energy, board member letters to the editor, and more. Teresa Koon LWV WV Editor VoterFall2022.pdf

  • Spring Voter 2022

    Good evening League Members! Attached is the latest VOTER newsletter from LWV of West Virginia. Lots to read in here! For those of you who get hard copies, those are still coming in the mail if you prefer to read it that way. Expect it one day next week. Teresa Koon Editor LWV WV VoterSpring2022-2.pdf

  • Fall Voter 2021

    Hi everyone – Attached is the final PDF. Printed versions will go in the mail today. Thanks again for your contributions. VoterFall2021.pdf