Author: Teresa Koon

  • Spring VOTER 2021

    Inside you will find informative updates on the 2021 Legislative session and the impact on League priorities. Also find helpful articles on redistricting in West Virginia, WV’s new green horizon and our upcoming virtual Convention. VoterSpring2021.pdf

  • Fall VOTER 2020

    Inside you will find the latest on WV’s general election voting, local league updates on the Centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment and natural resources, healthcare and education reports. Enjoy! VoterFall2020.pdf

  • Spring VOTER 2020

    Inside you will find the latest on WV’s primary and absentee voting, LWV WV legislative priorities and outcomes from the 2020 session, articles on LWV history and 19th Amendment. Enjoy! VoterSpring2020 Final.pdf