Category: Action Alerts

  • You Should Run for Office in West Virginia

    Our Children, Our Future is offering their successful candidate trainings again, and they want to know which days work best for you, and what office(s) you are interested in.

  • ALERT: Tell Manchin to oppose the SAFE Act

    Please call Senator Manchin TODAY! You can call his home office in West Virginia at 304-342-5855 or Senator Manchin’s Washington, D.C. office at 202-224-3954. In addition, West Virginians with a 304 or 681 area code can contact Senator Manchin’s office through our toll-free number at 855-275-5737. What Legislation?  The U.S. Senate plans to vote […]

  • TAKE ACTION – PSC Harrison power plant transfer case

    The State board of LWVWV wants League members around the state to take action concerning PSC Case No. 12-1571.  The hearing will run from this Wednesday, May 29 to May 31, and can be watched live by webcast on each day beginning at 9:30 a.m: The League of Women Voters of West Virginia opposes Mon […]