Category: Action Alerts

  • MAKE SOME NOISE! Oppose SB 601 and SB 614

    MAKE SOME NOISE! Oppose SB 601 and SB 614

    The 60-day Legislative session is about to end but the House will vote on two bills tomorrow (Friday) that need your attention!! Please OPPOSE: SB 601 is named the WV Women’s Bill of Rights, but it has nothing to do with strengthening the rights of women in areas like education, employment, or reproductive health. Instead, it […]

  • Make Some Noise: OPPOSE SB 352 and SB 841 as they reach House floor for vote

    Make Some Noise: OPPOSE SB 352 and SB 841 as they reach House floor for vote

    SB 352 modifies the West Virginia abortion ban. Prior to a legal, medically necessary abortion, this bill mandates specific elements of informed consent, including information about medical risks and alternative care options. Physicians have expressed concern that this bill will introduce scientifically inaccurate information into the informed consent process. SB 841 changes the structure of […]

  • OPPOSE HB 5159 – Weakens Child Labor Laws

    OPPOSE HB 5159 – Weakens Child Labor Laws

    HB 5159 passed the House on Feb 20 and is on Senate Workforce Committee  agenda today. It will likely go to Senate Judiciary after that. Contact your Senators and tell them to OPPOSE this bill, OPPOSE weakening of child labor laws in West Virginia. HB 5159 would permit a child aged 14 or 15 years […]