Category: Action Alerts

  • Tell Delegates: OPPOSE SB 460, Protect Our Kids

    Tell Delegates: OPPOSE SB 460, Protect Our Kids

    If it passes the House, Gov. Morrisey has already telegraphed his support, despite medical evidence against this bill. We know it will make WV’s children less safe. Other states that have chosen this path are seeing disastrous consequences. A growing measles outbreak is occurring in Texas right now. Please act now!

  • OPPOSE HB 2400 – Stop Voter Suppression in WV

    OPPOSE HB 2400 – Stop Voter Suppression in WV

    Absentee voting is essential for West Virginians with disabilities, those who lack transportation, the elderly, and residents of rural areas. This bill targets vulnerable West Virginians least likely to have computers and direct Internet access.

  • Protect Our Children, Oppose SB 460

    Protect Our Children, Oppose SB 460

    WV has been a longstanding leader in protecting our children with mandatory childhood vaccinations. SB 460 allows disinformation and the religious convictions of some to override the safety of us all, especially our children. Contact your Senators. Tell them to oppose SB 460.