Category: Morgantown

  • Stop the Noise!

      Stop the noise!  Sounds simple, doesn’t it?  But it is not.   At the Natural Resources committee meeting of LWV of Morgantown-Monongalia on November 19th, 2012, the brutal reality of what happens when citizens have no recourse when their welfare is threatened became painfully apparent to us all in a loud way. In the […]

  • November-December 2012 Morgantown Newsletter

    Watch for these events, more details below:  County Commission Study (Nov. 13), Comprehensive Planning (Nov. 14), Natural Resources Committee (Nov. 19), Renate Pore – Affordable Care Act (Dec. 5). GUEST SPEAKER RENATE PORE: AFFORDABLE CARE ACT Our December meeting will feature a presentation by Renate Pore on “The Affordable Care Act: Implications for West Virginia”. […]

  • Participate about participation with Vote-by-Mail!

    On October 30, 2012, Morgantown City Council will hear the public’s opinion about whether or not they support the continuation of the Vote by Mail Pilot project at the Committee of the Whole meeting in City Council chambers. Two citizens spoke October 16, 2012 at Morgantown City Council about this issue.  Don Spencer eloquently speaks about participation […]