Category: Natural Resources

  • Jan. Natural Resources Report to the State Board

    WV Legislative Priority, 2011 The LWVWV supports the regulation of horizontal/Marcellus Shale drilling for natural gas in order to protect the nearby residents and the environment (water, air, and land.) We will also support other environmental bills as action is needed. MARCELLUS SHALE/HORIZONTAL DRILLING Two bills will be submitted to the legislature – The interim committee’s […]

  • Urge Lawmakers to Pass Marcellus Shale Drilling Bill Out of Subcommittee

    Last month the Joint Legislative Interim Judiciary Subcommittee A introduced a draft bill establishing a new regulatory program for gas wells utilizing horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.  While the bill is aimed at regulating the Marcellus Shale gas well drilling occurring now in West Virginia, it would apply to all drilling using these new drilling […]

  • Pittsburgh Bans Natural Gas Drilling

    Adopts first-in-the-nation ordinance – elevates the right of the community to decide, not corporations