Category: LWVWV
MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Children & Families in WV
Let’s Make Some Noise to Protect Children & Families in WV! Contact your senators: Full WV Senate OPPOSE SB 562, which would expand employment & training requirements for SNAP benefit eligibility. This would require a new bureaucracy, which is costly, to keep hungry people from getting minimal food benefits. The cost-benefit ratio is not in […]
LETS MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Election Workers
Let’s Make Some Noise and SUPPORT SB 630 and HB 5362 to protect election workers! These bills define protections for election officials and election workers, including poll workers, while performing their duties and clarifies the conditions and circumstances of such protections. HB 5362 goes a step further by prohibiting doxxing of election workers. Referred to […]
MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Transgender Rights
Two bills right now require your attention! Let’s MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Transgender Rights! Oppose SB 515 and HB 5243. School is often the only safe space for transgender students. We oppose *SB 515* because it would jeopardize that safety. SB 515 requires teachers to report to school administrators any time a student requests […]