Category: Wood County

  • Wood County Voter January 2018

    LWVWC’s Monday, January 22, 2018 meeting will be a how-to session about using the WV Legislature’s web site to find bills, track bills, contact legislators, check roll calls, watch legislative sessions and access the many opportunities to know what’s happening to be found there. This event is open to all and is at 6:30 p.m. […]

  • Wood County Voter November – December 2017

    Information about WV’s Voter ID law that goes into effect for 2018 elections and upcoming events: Movie “Where to Invade Next” from filmmaker Michael Moore on Saturday, November 18 at the South Parkersburg Library and a Holiday get-together on December 9. Details in the Voter. November – December 2017 Voter pdf.pdf

  • LWV Wood County September Voter

    LWVWC will meet with Wood County Clerk Mark Rhodes to discuss voter registration and other election issues. Monday, September 25, 2017 at 7 p.m. in the conference room on the second floor of the Parkersburg City Building. The meeting is open to the public. Mr. Rhodes will also update registrations or register voters if needed. […]