Category: Wood County

  • LWV Wood County March 2019 Voter

    LWVWC Annual Meeting, Friday, March 22, 6:00 p.m., Colombo’s Restaurant, Parkersburg Guest speaker will be Will Hosaflook, Superintendent of Wood County Schools. Update on LWVWV’s legislative priorities LWVWC Voter March 2019pdf.pdf

  • Local Government Officials flier

    An updated “Your Government Officials” flier listing Wood County’s elected officials and contact information is now available in the Wood County Events folder. Goverment Officials roster February 2019.pdf

  • Wood County Voter Februart 2019

    LWV Wood County Meeting on WV Economy Monday February 25 at 6 p.m., Parkersburg City Building, 2nd floor Executive Conference Room, Open to the public Ted Boettner, Executive Director of the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, will discuss “Is the WV economic comeback real?” Legislative Update in this Voter LWVWC Voter February 2019 […]