Category: Wood County Voter

  • LWV Wood County October 2016 Voter

    October 2016 Voter pdf.pdf

  • Wood County Voter October 2016

    Upcoming events: Meet the Candidates for WV Legislature Tuesday, October 18, 7 pm, Council Chambers Parkersburg City Building Meet the Candidates for Wood County Commission, Sheriff, and Clerk and Parkersburg Mayor and City Council Monday, October 24, 7 pm, Council Chambers Parkersburg City Building

  • Wood County Voter September 2016

    League members to attend documentary “To Begin the World Over Again: The Life of Thomas Paine” on September 26 at 6 p.m. at the Vienna Public Library. Meet the Candidate events in October for Wood County, Parkersburg, Vienna, and WV Legislature offices. See details in the September Voter. September 2016 Voter pdf.pdf