Voters Guide May 8, 2012 West Virginia Primary Election
Democratic Candidates for West Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture
CANDIDATE Walt Helmick
COUNTY Pocahontas
PARTY Democratic
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Education: Graduate of West Virginia Institute of Technology, Economic Development Institute University of Oklahoma, Hobart and Lincoln Welding School, and the Mindenhall School of Actioneering.
QUESTION What more needs to be done to encourage West Virginians to produce and consume locally grown agricultural products?
ANSWER: I plan to promote the expansion of existing agribusiness in West Virginia by developing strategic partners and alliances that strengthen and promote its growth. To develop and promote access to capital markets and public financing for agribusinesses. I also plan to promote the creation of cooperatives and regional agricultural collaborations.
CANDIDATE Joe Messineo
PARTY Democratic
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Worked In agriculture 46 years: US Army, USDA Animal Health and Plant Protection & Quarantine, USDA State Director of WV, USDA Regional Director, WVDA Animal Health Field Supervisor. I am proficient in: biosecurity and emergency response; federal-state cooperative agreements; personnel management; budget, planning, administration; phytosanitary requirements for export /import.
QUESTION What more needs to be done to encourage West Virginians to produce and consume locally grown agricultural products?
ANSWER: Develop a registry to connect consumers with local food producers and processors. Increase use of high tunnels to extend growing season. Expand all-season farmer’s markets. Upgrade lab capabilities to test for food-borne contaminants. Increase agricultural outreach and education. Reconnect with family farms. With EPA, develop practical solutions to environmental concerns.
CANDIDATE Steve Miller
PARTY Democratic
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: I am Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture with a degree in Agriculture. I have worked in or with all aspects of the department for 30 years. I operate a farm with cattle, hay and Christmas trees. I am happily married with 4 wonderful children and 2 grandchilden.
QUESTION What more needs to be done to encourage West Virginians to produce and consume locally grown agricultural products?
ANSWER: Young and beginner farmer initiatives, educational programs promoting innovative and profitable metods will increase the amount of locally grown products. Consumer education programs with healthy eating and lifestyle benefits, chef demonstrations and programs such as, Senior Farmers Market Coupons should be expanded to encourage visits to local markets.
CANDIDATE Sally Shepherd
PARTY Democratic
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Raised on a dairy, poultry, and crop farm, now managing her family farm, mainly an equine operation. Also growing specialty food crops and a domestic fuelcrop used for home heating. Presently: Elected board member of Capitol Conservation District. Formerly: President WV Farmland Trust, Executive Director Kanawha County Solid Waste Authority.
QUESTION What more needs to be done to encourage West Virginians to produce and consume locally grown agricultural products?
ANSWER: Rising food prices and lowering nutritional value present the need/opportunity to develop a statewide food system to grow, process, distribute, and market local food to West Virginians and for export, resulting in profitable small farms, rural economy stimulation, enhanced food safety and security, and improved health for West Virginians.
PARTY Democratic
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Fourth generation farmer. My wife and I own and operate a farm and nursery including agritourism, vegetables, grain, pick-your-own pumpkins and Christmas trees. WV House of Delegates 7 years. Currently Deputy Commissioner WVDA. I’m passionate about producing the safest, most abundant and affordable food possible. Please visit
QUESTION What more needs to be done to encourage West Virginians to produce and consume locally grown agricultural products?
ANSWER: Education and cooperation. Reducing obesity and diabetes will save millions in health care costs. I’ll work with Department of Education,DHHR, Extension,non-profits and others to increase consumption of locally grown food. Assist producers with extending seasons using specialty crop grants and high tunnels. Know Your Farmer – Know Your Food.
No Republican Candidate for West Virginia Commissioner of Agriculture is on the Primary Election ballot