TAKE ACTION – PSC Harrison power plant transfer case

The State board of LWVWV wants League members around the state to take action concerning PSC Case No. 12-1571.  The hearing will run from this Wednesday, May 29 to May 31, and can be watched live by webcast on each day beginning at 9:30 a.m:

The League of Women Voters of West Virginia opposes Mon Power and Potomac Edison’s proposed purchase of 80% of the Harrison power plant. Customers should not be forced to pay for a  purchase that will raise the costs of their electricity. Furthermore the purchase of the Harrison power plant would lock in costs for many generations so that better alternatives would be precluded.

Rather than paying for the high costs of the Harrison power plant, Mon Power and Potomac Edison could bid for cheaper power from other sources and install more energy efficiency into its production. Also they could lessen demand by aiding customers in energy efficiency means as many power companies have done. All would result in smaller energy costs to ratepayers.

The State Board is a member of Energy Efficient West Virginia.  Please learn about the background of this case and about different ways to take action at the website:

1. Sign a petition
2. Write a letter online to PSC Executive Secretary, Sandra Squire.
3. Submit a letter to the editor of your local paper.
4. Come to the public hearing: May 29th at 9:30am at the Public Service Commission (201 Brooks St., Charleston, WV).  There will be vans leaving from Morgantown WalMart off of I-68 at 6:00 a.m. on the 29th.   Contact Daniel Chiotos <daniel.chiotos@gmail.com> or call 304-886-3389 to reserve a spot.


Jonathan Rosenbaum
President of LWV of Morgantown-Monongalia County


