LWVWV Updates: 2024 Legislative Session, LWV Wood County Disbandment

The WV Legislature is session—and so is the League!
First, many thanks to the League members who joined us on January 4 for the briefing on our Legislative Scorecard project, and *our priorities for the legislative session <lwvwv.org/2024/01/04/lwvwv-2024-program-policy-priorities/>*. It was a terrific turnout. You may view the hour long session *here* .
The Legislature began their 60 day session on January 10. Led by our League Legislative Action Workgroup (LLAW), we are monitoring the daily activities of the Legislature. Yes, you read that right: we are monitoring the Legislature on a DAILY basis for bills that affect League priorities. We are thrilled to have the following League members taking the lead on monitoring bills as they relate to our four top issue areas, or buckets, as we like to call them:
*Strengthening Democracy:* Judy Ball (LLAW chair)
*Safeguarding Equal Rights:* Jan Gossett
*Protecting Children & Families:* Nancy Ulrich and Joe Golden
*Creating a Sustainable Future:* Neal Barkus
Jonathan Rosenbaum is providing technical support. Lyn Widmyer will manage Make Some Noise notices to members when we need your help to contact legislators. Julie Archer serves a our lobbyist on the ground in Charleston. [image: LWVWV 4 Buckets.png]
Please watch for our action alerts via email or* follow us on Facebook <www.facebook.com/lwvwv>**@lwvwv* <www.facebook.com/lwvwv> to keep up with the action and join us in making some noise when we call on you.
The Legislative Scorecard is an exciting opportunity to influence legislation and show legislators the LWVWV is watching!
You can explore the Legislative scorecard and learn more about our policy priorities for 2024 at *LWVWV.org <lwvwv.org/>*.
Wood County LWV Decision to Disband Accepted with Regret
On December 9, 2023, the LWVWV Board of Directors accepted with regret the request by Wood County LWV to disband. This was a sad decision as the LWV of Wood County has such a storied history and such a wonderful record of community involvement. Members will become Members at Large and we hope they will continue to be involved in League activities.
In League,
Julie Acher, President
Lyn Widmyer, 1st Vice President


