During the 2024 LWVUS Convention, delegates voted to conduct a one-year study on the Federal Judiciary to arrive at a Position. This effort is ongoing and the process will yield a new position by June 2025.
On Saturday, March 15 at 10 AM ET, the LWVWV will host a virtual consensus meeting to discuss issues related to the Federal Judiciary. These consensus meetings are opportunities for all League members to exchange ideas and opinions as part of the decision making process. Every state and local League hosting a consensus meeting will answer the same set of consensus questions. Answers will be used by the Federal Judiciary Study Committee to write the new LWVUS position.
If you are a League member, click here to register in advance for the consensus meeting.
Please see the handout below for more on the process and importance of this study and links to specific resources. If you missed our February 11 briefing on the Federal Judiciary Study, you can view the recording here. Additional resources are provided below.
Recording of National Town Hall on the Federal JudiciaryOn February 4, the LWVUS hosted a town hall with experts on the federal judiciary. Panelists included Alicia Bannon from the Brennan Center, Thomas Berry from the CATO Institute, and Erinn Martin from NVG LLC. You can view the recording here.
Join the Federal Judiciary Study Groups.ioTo sign up, visit the discussion group’s homepage and click the button “Apply for Membership to this Group” to join the list. Please contact progplan@lwv.org with any questions.Federal Judiciary Study Materials AvailableTo help Leagues prepare for their study meetings, the Federal Judiciary Study committee has drafted a series of policy briefs on topics related to the federal judiciary for local and state Leagues. Policy briefs with a Glossary of Key Terms for the Federal Judiciary Study are available on the League Management Site.