LWVWV State Convention May 3, 2025

The League of Women Voters of WV will hold its state convention on Saturday, May 3, 2025 via Zoom. We will call the convention to order at 10AM.

Delegates are state board members, local League presidents, and other League delegates.  Visitors are all others in attendance.  The state bylaws provide for the following numbers of local League delegates:

Local League president (or alternate) plus one delegate for the first 15 members.  One additional delegate for each 10 additional members or major fraction thereof.

The agenda will include:

Election of ALL officers and directors

Approval of changes to the by-laws needed to allign with upcoming changes to membership and dues as part of the League’s transformation. (Read more about how this piece fits into our larger transformation goals at lwv.org/transformation.) We are also updating outdated references to “chairman”/”chairmen” and replacing them with gender neutral language. Click the botton below to download a copy of the by-laws showing the proposed changes.

Approval of 2025-2026 budget. Changes recommended by the budget committee include:

  1. Dues/PMP income and expenses remain for one more year.
  2. Added $300 income to fundraising line item in anticipation of fundraising – at a minimum adding a QR code to outreach that says to join or donate follow the QR code. 
  3. Increased VOTER service to add $2500 for VOTE 411 2026 election statewide.
  4. Allocated $400 under position support for national government to boost FB posts or do other outreach related to the outcome of the Federal Judiciary Study.



