Author: Julie Archer

  • Decision on FirstEnergy’s Bad Deal for WV Coming Soon – Speak Out Now!

    The WV Public Service Commission is considering whether FirstEnergy can transfer a power plant from one subsidiary company to another subsidiary company. The PSC heard from more than 100 people during public hearings and received more than 2,000 written protests. Now is a critical time and we need your help. If you are a Mon […]

  • EPA Funding Letter to Senators Capitol and Manchin

    The LWV-WV and other organizations sent the following letter urging our Senators to support the continuation of the 2017 appropriations for key EPA programs that help West Virginia’s rivers and streams. October 16, 2017 The Honorable Joe Manchin III                                   The Honorable Shelley Moore Capito 306 Hart Senate Office Building                                  172 Russell Senate Office Building    […]

  • Without disclosure, we don’t know what conflicts of interest our judges may have

    A sitting West Virginia judge, Beth Walker, overturned an important ruling to the benefit of companies her husband owned stock in. Now, her conflict of interest is the center of a case that may be heard by the US Supreme Court. While the Supreme Court decides whether this should have been grounds for her recusal, […]