Category: Action Alerts

  • Take Action to Protect Vital Social Programs

    The cuts in essential federal funding to the states included in the US House bill to raise the debt ceiling (*HR 2811*). If enacted, these cuts will do harm to some of West Virginia’s most vulnerable. One estimate is that West Virginia alone could lose $8.3 billion in federal funding over the next decade. Many […]

  • LWVWV State Convention Reminder – Don’t Miss Our Guest Speaker!

    This is a friendly reminder about our upcoming vitual convention, *Saturday, May 13*. *Check-in begins at 9:30 AM and the convention opens at 10 AM.* You’ll find the agenda below and other relevent convention materials *here *. *Don’t miss our guest speaker, author, historian and activist,* *Elisabeth Griffith, PhD * *at 1PM.* LWVWV members and […]

  • Cocktails for a Cause: Celebration of Suffrage

    On August 26, please grab your favorite drink and join Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic for their Cocktails for a Cause: Celebration of Suffrage. Panelists include: South Carolina State Senator Margie Bright Matthews; Executive Director of the New North Carolina Project, Aimy Steele; and Effie Kallas, Co-President of the League of Women Voters of West Virginia. Register for FREE today. Thursday, […]