Category: Action Alerts
WV DEP Proposes to Further Weaken Water Quality Standards
The WVDEP is proposing another round of changes to the state’s water quality standards that will allow more toxins in our drinking water sources, while also creating loopholes for polluters to further weaken criteria intended to protect human health. Our friends at the West Virginia Rivers Coalition have more details here. You have an opportunity to […]
Tell Senators Manchin and Capito to Support the For the People Act
West Virginia voters can help save the For the People Act. Contact Sen. Manchin at 202-224-3954 or and Sen. Capito at 202-224-6472 or You can also take action here.
The League says “NO” to 2 Bad Bills – SB565 and HB3300
Please read on about 2 BAD BILLS moving in the Legislature and contact your legislators and tell them to vote NO. Each legislators’ phone number and a link to email can be accessed at and SB565 pertains to elections and has passed the Senate and will move to the House. The worst aspects are that […]