Category: Action Alerts
Fight back against Citizens United!
Today you have an important opportunity to take an essential first step to fight back against Citizens United and the deregulation of the campaign finance system. Click here to urge President Obama to clean house at the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Already in this important election year, new Super PACs are flooding elections with huge […]
Take Action: Air pollution legislation
Clean air and public health are under attack in Congress. Very soon the House is expected to vote on two bills which could weaken our environmental public health standards. The first (H.R. 2681) would reduce regulation of cement plants, which are one of the largest sources of industrial mercury toxics in the country. The second […]
Don’t Let the Senate Repeal the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act was a major step forward in health care for all and has already made a difference by improving health care access and coverage for millions of Americans. The House of Representatives took a step in the wrong direction by repealing the law that has already brought positive changes. The Senate could […]