Category: Morgantown

  • Contact the Governor to include Medicaid Expansion in WV’s ACA reform!!

    Dear League Members in Morgantown-Monongalia County Your Board would like you to be part of a calling/mailing/e-mailing to Governor Tomblin and encouraging him to ACCEPT MEDICAID EXPANSION AS PART OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IN WEST VIRGINIA. Medicaid expansion means putting 125,000-130,000 more WV low income people on Medicaid as their way of having health […]

  • Town Hall ACA Meeting – co-sponsored by Morgantown-Monongalia LWV

    January 23, 2013  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Renate Pore, WVAHC Director of Health Policy or 304-346-8815 MorgantownTown-Hall Meetings to Educate Women about New Health Care Benefits Available Under Affordable Care Act  A town hall meeting on the Affordable Care Act and what it means to women and their families will be held Monday at […]

  • December 5 – Renate Pore – Affordable Care Act

    On December 5th The League of Women Voters of Morgantown-Monongalia County Is Hosting a Presentation by Renate Pore PHD on The Affordable Care Act: The Implications for West Virginia at 7:00 pm at The Village at Heritage Point. Dr. Pore has more than 30 years of experience in health administration and policy. She received a […]