Scorecard Overview

LWVWV Legislative Scorecard 2023


This selection of 25 bills does not provide a complete or representative view of any legislator’s work product.  The focus was LWVWV’s priorities.  For more information, every bill is linked to its legislative history on the WV Legislature website.

To construct this Scorecard, we reviewed all 333 bills to select the ones most important in terms of the four legislative priority areas for the LWVWV.  Unfortunately, we found no bills of sufficient substance to represent the Strengthening Democracy area.  From the 333, we selected 25 bills without regard to their sponsors or which legislators voted for or against them.

When the 2023 Regular Session ended, the Legislature had passed 333 bills that became law.  But 333 bills is too much for any voter to consume and bills vary in importance.

Before the start of each legislative session, LWVWV adopts a set of legislative priorities.  Bills that fall within these priorities tend to be the ones we follow most closely during the legislative session.  Those priorities were the starting point for this scorecard.

Summarizes the content of each bill.
Color-coded to show LWVWV support (green) or opposition (pink).
Tallies votes for each Legislator for each bill. 
Searchable for individual Legislators by name or district.  Votes are color-coded for agreement/disagreement with LWVWV positions.
Summarizes votes within priority area for each Legislator, including absences. 
Searchable for individual Legislators by name or district.