Month: October 2018

  • Huntington League’s October Bulletin

    Candidates Meeting for WV Supreme Court of Appeals on WVPBS. Check the dates and times. bulletin.10.18.2.docx

  • League Urges Senators to vote NO on Kavanaugh

    JUDGE DOES NOT POSSESS FAIR AND UNBIASED JUDICIAL TEMPERAMENT 10/4/2018 Washington, DC – The League of Women Voters President Chris Carson and CEO Virginia Kase issued the following joint statement: “We urge the Senate to reject Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. “Judge Kavanaugh has shown the country that he does not possess fair and unbiased judicial temperament. […]

  • Fall VOTER 2018

    Inside read our President’s Report, about Amendments 1 and 2 to the Constitution on the 2018 November Ballot, about health care and natural resources and our first letter to the editor. VoterFall2018.pdf