Month: March 2021
The League says “NO” to 2 Bad Bills – SB565 and HB3300
Please read on about 2 BAD BILLS moving in the Legislature and contact your legislators and tell them to vote NO. Each legislators’ phone number and a link to email can be accessed at and SB565 pertains to elections and has passed the Senate and will move to the House. The worst aspects are that […]
How did we get here and how do we get out? Understanding Disinformation and Misinformation in the United States
Librarian Sabrina Thomas will speak on this important subject at the LWV Huntington’s virtual meeting, March 8, 7 pm. For over twelve years, Sabrina Thomas has served as an Instruction and Research Services Librarian for Marshall University Libraries. Ms. Thomas excels at teaching information literacy as a lifelong survival skill that characterizes informed citizenry empowered […]