Author: Julie Archer

  • MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Transgender Rights

    MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Transgender Rights

    Two bills right now require your attention! Let’s MAKE SOME NOISE to Protect Transgender Rights! Oppose SB 515 and HB 5243. School is often the only safe space for transgender students. We oppose *SB 515* because it would jeopardize that safety. SB 515 requires teachers to report to school administrators any time a student requests […]

  • MAKE SOME NOISE! Support Constitutional Amendment on Reproductive Rights

    MAKE SOME NOISE! Support Constitutional Amendment on Reproductive Rights

    A new amendment to the WV Constitution has been proposed to guarantee reproductive rights for WV citizens. The proposed amendment as outlined in HJR (House Joint Resolution) 27 would eliminate the most onerous parts of WV’s near-total abortion ban while still having some limits on reproductive health care. The LWVWV SUPPORTS this compromise and urges […]

  • MAKE SOME NOISE on Solar Energy: Support HB 4834, Oppose HB 5131

    MAKE SOME NOISE on Solar Energy: Support HB 4834, Oppose HB 5131

    Two bills addressing solar energy deserve our attention. The LWVWV legislative priority is to Create a Sustainable Future by supporting legislation that provides opportunities for West Virginians to access a diverse energy grid. HB 4834 is consistent with this priority; HB 5131 is not. MAKE SOME NOISE and contact members of the House Energy Committee […]